Arrival & Dismissal

Parking Safety Guidelines 2016-2017

  • Student Before Care (ALL GRADES)  - 7:00 am- 8:00 am
  • Students Arrival (ALL GRADES) - 8:00 am
  • Student Dismissal (ALL GRADES) - 3:00 pm
  • Student After Care (ALL GRADES) - 3:00 pm- 5:30 pm
  • Office Hours: 7:30 am – 3:30 pm

(Exceptional to Pre-Kg-3 through Pre-Kg 4)

(Exceptional to after school office hours)

Single Point Entry for the safety and security of our students

As a result, anyone coming into the school must enter through the SOUTH SIDE ENTRANCE. After the 8:00 a.m. bell rings, the front door will be locked. Parents arriving after the 8:00 a.m. bell must use the main administration entrance. 

The use of CELL PHONES is strictly prohibited in drop-off and pick-up areas during arrival and dismissal times.

Arrival-Dismissal Guidelines

Parents should drop students off in the morning in the parking lot by following the curve of SOUTH ENTRANCE of the building.

Designated Pick-up Areas

1. Pre-k-3 through 12th grades – All use Main Entrance

2. Older siblings report to their younger sibling’s car pick-up area or Bus


3. School is NOT responsible for Walkers surety of reporting home. They are not allowed to cut through traffic. Walkers need to use the sidewalk and cross by the Crossing Guard. (Parents need to fill out walkers and bike rider’s waiver from available at front office)


4. School is NOT responsible for Bike rider surety of reporting home. The bike rack is located on the North Side of the school. All riders must wear a helmet. Students are not allowed to ride their bikes in the parking lot. (Parents need to fill out walkers and bike rider’s waiver from available at front office)


The WEST AREA Parking Lot is for faculty parking (Behind the School) and EAST area Parking lot is designated for buses (Front of the School). Avoid picking up or dropping off your child in this area.

The Main Entrance is designated for Guest Parking. Children should always enter or exit on the LEFT SIDE of the vehicle. Staff members are required to open car doors. Teachers need to monitor students and cannot conduct conferences and discussions with parents during dismissal time. If you need to discuss your child’s progress, make an appointment with the teacher.


Do NOT drop off your children prior to 7:00 a.m. unless they are enrolled in the Morning care. Do NOT drop off children in the roadway.