Gifted Program Kindergarten through 12th Grade


The United States has become a global leader, in large part, through the genius and hard work of its scientists, engineers and innovators. Yet today, that position is threatened as comparatively few American students pursue expertise in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) however, by an adequate pipeline of South Florida School of Excellence have drawn up in-depth curricula for all grade levels, with lessons designed to enhance both the traditional subjects and the skills our students will need as they enter an interconnected, globalized world.

We are proud to offer STEM curriculum opportunity to our higher functioning Autism- Asperger’s, Gifted, and Average students

The U.S. Department of Education has made advancing STEM education a national priority, and at South Florida School of Excellence, we have added the Arts into the mix, because if our aim is to prepare the innovators of tomorrow, then creativity is an essential part of the equation. Through integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

Experts estimate that as many as 65 percent of today's grade school students will end up working in jobs that have not been invented yet; The South Florida School of Excellence STEM curriculum is designed to prepare them for that reality.